Thursday, December 25, 2008

Types of Warts

Types of Warts - Recognizing Different Types Of Warts

There are many myths and truths about warts. I remember like most of you as a child to not dare pick up a frog or you will get warts. I really don't know who came up with that theory. The truth is frogs have nothing to do with warts. To be perfectly honest most warts are really painless. They can be referred to as a lump that is noncancerous.Most of us have a immune system to the warts and usually can't get them.

Some people however can be susceptible however they usually won't last long and they will soon disappear. For those that might be susceptible to them I will go over the different types of warts and how to treat the type you may have. The first type is what we call the most common ones. These warts will have show up on your skin usually on a rough raised surface that can appear anywhere on your body but most of the time they can be found on the top part of your hand.

Another type of wart is called a flat wart. Unlike the common wart that makes your skin feel rough this type will make your skin feel smooth and is a very small type of wart that that can appear in a cluster form and will mostly develop on a part of your hands, legs,and mostly will appear on your face.These warts are usually so small that you may not notice them.

There is also a wart known as the plantar wart. This type of wart can feel like a callus and will show up on the bottom part of your foot.If you have had a callus you know how painful that can be when you put pressure on it. This type of wart can be painful similar to what a callus will feel like when putting pressure on the foot. A fourth type is a wart known as the filiform.This type of wart will show up around your face area such as your eyelids and even your neck.

These warts are very small but also can be a very long shaped wart.One more I want to mention is for the woman reading this. The wart called genital warts.These are another smaller type of wart that will be very uncomfortable and will appear on your genital area and can also show up on your anus area.I know these warts are very bothersome but there is some self-care options that might help.

If you have a wart that is not very noticeable and is taking longer then you want to go away you can just use a medicine you can buy over the counter. You can find these over the counter medicines in a liquid form or even a pad. When you start to use this medicine put this medicine on the top part of your wart and also put some of the medicine on the side of the wart.

Make sure you do not put this medicine on directly on the skin that is around the wart you are treating.Look on the directions to see how long it will take to work. If that time has past and the warts are still there it is recommended that you see a physician.

He may can prescribe you a prescription medicine that will work better or may even remove it from you. Whatever kind of wart you may have make sure you do try to treat it before it can get infected. They can be annoying but also can be treated without going through a lot.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Wart Treatment

Wart Treatment - Different Treatment Options For All Types Of Warts

What is the common factor among moles, warts and skin tags? All of them are skin problems and caused through viral attacks. They are very much viral diseases and can spread easily to infect other's skin. Touch and skin contact is enough to spread this disease from the infected body to that of an uninfected one. The warts on skin often take the granular shape and those who are prone to be infected from viral attack can easily suffer in one form or the other. Moles and skin tags are somewhat similar.

There are quite a number of treatments to remove these lesions. You can opt for the topical treatments supported by oral medication and also go for surgical cure. Everything depends upon the condition of the problem. Definitely you find a wart sprouting on your skin and decide to go for an operation. Literally surgical treatment is the last refuge for anyone suffering. Yes, it is true that virus is the main instigator of this disease. But then why doesn't virus attack on every type of skin? Thus there is some deficiency in the skin that allows the virus to attack and infect the area.

As a result warts and moles develop. It is actually the deficiency of potassium that acts behind the cause of moles, warts and skin tags. Thus the treating processes have to take care of this deficiency factor and try to compensate it so that the viral reaction doesn't take place. The primary need is to consume enough amounts of potassium rich foods. But this cannot cure the warts and moles completely without topical skin care if the disease has already spread over your skin. Direct application of apple cider vinegar on the affected area is helpful.

You will have to follow a treatment technique while you apply it. Initially the warts have to be washed with warm water. This process will continue till twenty minutes and then with the help of the cotton ball you will take the vinegar and wipe those areas. When you apply the vinegar leave it to dry on the skin itself for another fifteen minutes. After this the skin has to be washed with plain water.

Finally let the skin get dried and if you continue this for a few days regularly, positive results are certain. In the same war aspirin dissolved in water and applied around the warts is quite helpful. Here you need to cover the area with a band-aid and repeat the process twice on regular basis. This is the easiest way to keep away moles, warts and skin tags from your skin.

Warts are bothersome when you notice them until you get them removed or treat them until they start looking better. It is important that you know what to do when it comes to fighting off warts forever. These things will drive you nuts looking at them and sometimes, if something is rubbing across them it could end up being very painful or irritating.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Female Genital Warts

Female Genital Warts - Pregnancy And Genital Warts

One of the beliefs associated with the condition is that in case of women, they are probably linked to pregnancy. So genital warts and pregnancy - is there a connection? Let's investigate. Pregnant women, infected with HPV and suffering from genital warts, almost always run a high risk of transmitting this extremely contagious disease to the child. It is therefore highly advisable to treat the genital warts before the baby is delivered. Presence of genital warts during pregnancy sometimes leads to a number of problems.

The warts, during such times, often increase in size and make urinating difficult and even painful. Blame it on hormonal changes during pregnancy that cause genital warts to multiply in number, enlarge and even bleed.Genital warts and other types caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), are surprisingly common among men and women. But the reasons behind their attacks are still open to some degree of speculation. In such cases, it is advisable to seek the help of a health care provider who can provide relief.

An abnormal Pap test may indicate the presence of HPV. To begin with, genital warts and pregnancy is not a happy mix.So if there has been a test recently, seek expert medical diagnosis and advice. Genital warts and pregnancy pose other risks as well. This is because the body's immune system gets weaker during an HPV infection and this makes the lady vulnerable to viruses and infections. If the warts are inside the vaginal passage, they reduce the elasticity of the vagina and cause obstruction. This makes delivery difficult.

It is a comforting thought that pregnant women carrying an HPV infection usually do not give it to their babies. However, in some rare cases, mothers infected with genital warts may give birth to infants who develop warts in their throats, a condition also known as laryngeal papillomatosis. Although very rare, it poses a great life-threat to the newborn, requiring immediate medical attention and frequent laser surgeries to prevent blockage of the breathing passages.

According to modern research, the use of interferon therapy along with laser surgery often slows down the course of the disease. Finding a treatment that works is what you need to think about doing because everyone is different in how they treat their warts. For all the (disagreeable) reasons above, it is strongly advised to abstain from sex with a partner who has HPV.

The infection spreads primarily through contact. If however abstinence is difficult, be choosy about the partner and stick to the dedicated partner. This minimizes the chances of contracting the disease and safeguards the pregnant mother as well. Remember, although condoms offer a modest degree of protection against the infection, but they are not foolproof.

Pregnancy or no-pregnancy, genital warts are a nasty condition to have. Don't do anything that might spread the infection or delay the process of cure. Do seek medical help as soon as possible. And pregnant mothers of course need to be more alert. After all, you owe it to your unborn child.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wart and Mole Removal

Wart and Mole Removal - The Difference Between A Wart And A Mole

Although warts and moles may appear to be the same they are not related conditions. They are thought to be because the often look alike. Warts are defined as small areas of a long standing viral infection. Moles are described as areas of the skin that are heavily pigmented with melanin,the substance that is responsible for general skin coloring.

Warts will vary in their appearance. Warts are not dangerous but can most definitely become a nuisance. A mole that you have from birth may eventually develop into a malignant melanoma. If this occurs it should be removed by a physician immediately. Some types of warts are as follows. We all probably know about a common wart. These will appear on your hands or feet.

The typical common wart is a hard lump that has a roughened ,cauliflower-like surface. Moles can appear anywhere on the body. They are small,roughly circular areas of skin that are much darker than the surrounding skin. The larger moles may have course hairs growing out of them. Some moles are present from birth. In some people a few have developed during their childhood. Look for different changes in your childrens skin to make sure that you always know that they do not need medical attention of any sorts.

There is also a wart that may be mistaken for a mole that is called molluscum contagiosum. These are tiny pale lumps that are filled with cheesy material. These can be confusing because they are not true warts but they are just like warts. these appear in groups that are usually in children,especially children who have eczema. The appearance of a mole is a dark patch that constitutes a mole. A mole may be flat or raised above the surrounding skin. There is also a sebaceous cysts. These cysts are sometimes mistaken for warts.

A sebaceous cyst typically will appear as a soft,smooth,yellowish lump just under the surface of the skin. Sometimes a tiny dark dot can be seen in the skin over the center of the cyst. Your scalp is the most common site for these harmless growths. Most warts will disappear on their own within a few months but sometimes in rare cases it may be several years. If you are concerned about any spots that have come up on your skin then please do not ever hesitate talking with your doctors about these concerns.

If you have warts that you may think are unsightly or annoying go to a dermatologist who can recommend a treatment that is right for your situation. In older people, what looks like a wart may be a more serious skin condition such as a type of skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma. So if you are a person who knows a elderly person that might see this as a wart please get it checked out immediately. It could make a great deal of difference in their health.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Causes Of Warts

When you are trying to detect a wart the first thing you should look at is try to compare it with your normal skin.A wart is a type of virus that will start to show up on your skin.Whether you know it or not we are all exposed to viruses and since warts are a type of virus we can get them like any other virus. A lot of us cannot tell if someone may have a virus when we are around them unless they tell us they have been sick or exposed to someone who has been sick.

The same goes for a wart.If you cannot see a wart on someone and you come into contact with them by just shaking their hand you can get a wart. Even if the person you come in contact with does not have a wart he could be exposed if he has been around a person who has a wart. We really don't know why some of us are more likely to get a wart then others.

The myth about catching a wart from a frog is just that a myth.You cannot get a wart from a frog.There are methods a person could use to get some relief from a wart. Your dermatologist can suggest some of these methods that would work on you. One method is called the acid method. Using this method will destroy the tissue in the wart.Your dermatologist will give you a prescription that is a solution that you can apply to your wart for a month or two.

The acid that your doctor will use is combined of salicylic and also of an acid called lactic. Another way your dermatologist might tell you is called a freeze method. I know all about this method because my husbands dermatologist does this method for his skin cancer. I will say this method is a little painful but is the fastest way to clear the warts up. The doctor will use this spray can with a lot of force.

The spray comes out pretty heavy and will freeze the warts.The freezing actually will burn some.This procedure does not take long usually only a few minutes. You will also notice in a few days that you may have some blisters that appear after this procedure. Do not be alarmed they will go away in a few days. This procedure may sound very painful but it is not that bad.It will get rid of the warts.

The burning of the procedure won't last very long. In fact when my husband has it done he is able to drive back home. One of the last resorts you may consider is what the doctor calls the slash and burn method. If you have tried all the other methods and they just won't work on you this method will.

Your doctor will apply to your skin a local anesthetic. After your doctor has applied this to your skin you will feel nothing. He will use a needle that is electric and by this type of minor surgery will cut the warts out. He can also use a laser to vaporize the warts.The only thing that you may have to deal with is a little scarring. So if you are susceptible to getting warts remember that you do have an option of many different treatments.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Make Your Warts Go Away!

Thousands of people are resorting to Topical Treatments before they take the plunge on medical treatments. These can be applied by yourself and usually at home. Now this goes without saying that they may or may not work for you. Also, not just one treatment will work at one time. It is up to you to experiment over time with various treatments: Goldenseal contains all-natural antibiotics within in it.

It is used widely to destroy hundreds of viral infections.
Garlic Oil is just another topical treatment that is widely promoted and used for clearing up genital warts. More importantly it is said that raw garlic is supposed to stimulate the white blood cell's ability to fight infection.
You must take in the fact that these topical treatments for genital warts have not been clinically proven.

You should not think they are clinically effective treatments for genital warts. These treatments have shown through numerous studies that they contain benefits that are necessary and widely used in preventing, reducing, and fighting off viral infections. Your diagnosis, lifestyle, and stress will play huge factors in determining what will and will not work for you. Because one treatment is said to have worked on genital warts before does not necessarily mean it will work 100% for you.

Your best bet is to get a diagnosis from a doctor or physician. Let the professionals have a look at your situation first. After all is said and done, inquire about these treatments and get a clinical opinion. After all, if you already have genital warts then there really is not anything to lose, only everything to gain from that point.

If you are looking to treat yourself or experiment a little to see if these treatments can or will work on your genital warts, there has been no studies that suggest that these topical treatments have shown any dangers, harm, or side effects. But, remember that these are researched remedies past on from people to people and clinical proven effective treatments.

Genital warts are caused by the HPV virus, and there is no cure. Yes I said it, "there is no cure". There are however, some remedies and treatments you can use that will reduce the risk and could eventually clear up the genital warts. It will not be a "quick fix".

Pregnant women, infected with HPV and suffering from genital warts, almost always run a high risk of transmitting this extremely contagious disease to the child. Presence of genital warts during pregnancy sometimes leads to a number of problems.

The warts, during such times, often increase in size and make urinating difficult and even painful. Blame it on hormonal changes during pregnancy that cause genital warts to multiply in number, enlarge and even bleed. If the warts are inside the vaginal passage, they reduce the elasticity of the vagina and cause obstruction. This makes delivery difficult.

Although very rare, it poses a great life-threat to the newborn, requiring immediate medical attention and frequent laser surgeries to prevent blockage of the breathing passages. According to modern research, the use of interferon therapy along with laser surgery often slows down the course of the disease, warts.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Helpful Remedies For Warts

You can now get rid of ugly warts that may appear on your face,hands,feet,or even your genital,etc.There are many folk remedies for removing warts,but their apparent effectiveness is simply due to the fact that most warts eventually disappear on their own accord.The best way you can treat a unsightly wart is to apply a wart remedy in the form of paint,cream,or plaster.

These are available without a prescription at most drugstores. These preparations contain chemicals that will destroy the the abnormal skin cells. However, these chemicals will also damage surrounding healthy cells,so the preparations should always be applied very carefully to minimize the soreness of the wart. You must not treat warts on your face or genitals with a wart remedy,because the skin on these areas are very sensitive. And never allow these type of preparations to get into your eyes.

Your dermatologist may prescribe a more effective kind of wart preparation. If these preparations are not working your dermatologist may freeze the wart with liquid nitrogen or may decide to burn it off with electricity. When using this treatment that can be rather painful the wart will probally just fall off. A wart can also be scraped off by your doctor after the doctor will first numb the area using a local anesthetic. If you would like to learn more about the home remedies for warts you can look on line.

Some of these people who you can order a book from have a let of knowledge about them. Some have over 25 years of knowledge on warts. I have seen books that if you try certain methods the warts will go away in a matter of days. Also on some sites that you can buy books they talk about the genital warts and common warts. You can actually remove these warts they say by just using some common ingredients that you can find in your kitchen.

If you rather not spend money on a book read up on warts that are free on line or go to your library in your town. Most library's have computers now instead of those index cards,so you can look up everything you need to know about warts rather quickly. So whether you decide to treat your warts by a home remedy or by going to a doctor understand what type of wart you may have before treating it. Home remedy treatments are very popular and if you have not yet chosen this method for treatment you should most definitely consider doing so very soon.

Warts can be treated from many different methods chosen by every individual. As long as the treatment you are giving for your warts is working then there is no need to question whether your method for treatment is the best or not. Treating warts is something anyone can do, just ask a pharmacist or talk with your doctor. Or just take notes from articles like this, so that you can be sure to get the help you need.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Information About Warts

Warts can be a particularly annoying condition to afflict any person. That is because it leads to a good deal of embarrassment and discomfort, disrupting normal life to varying extents. Like the old saying goes, Prevention is better than cure, it is always wiser to try and prevent a genital warts infection rather than falling prey to it and then seeking treatment.

The good news is that genital warts prevention is easier than most people think it is. It is just necessary to know how the virus spreads, and then it is not that difficult to keep the infection at bay. It is highly contagious in nature, and the virus which causes the problem (Human Papillomavirus or HPV) is spread through skin-to-skin contact. As a first step it is important to know the symptoms and then maintain a distance from anyone in whom these symptoms are visible.
Genital warts, as the name suggests, affects the genitals and the areas around them, in both men and women.

The area of occurrence of genital warts clearly establishes the fact that the infection primarily spreads through careless or unprotected sexual activities. Condoms, while offering a modest degree of protection, are not foolproof as they do not offer complete protection. Oral guards used while indulging in oral sex with an infected partner are not that secured as well. But condoms and other protections should still be used as they substantially enhance the genital warts protection level. In the final analysis, the only reliable genital warts prevention is to stay away from all sexual activity if any of the partners has been infected.

If there has been a detection, adopt a responsible attitude and don't have sex till it is fully cured. One should also bear in mind that non-sexual contact of the genitals (or the affected areas) also promotes the spread of the virus. So remember to exercise appropriate caution before indulging in any such contact. In recent times medicines has been found to protect women from the strains of HPV that cause 70% of all cervical cancers and 90% of all genital warts. Medicines are now prescribed to women ranging in age from 9 to 26. Vaccines are also being researched to administer them before an actual contamination. Currently research is underway to bring out a version of the vaccine that can be used in males as well.

Till then, we may just have to keep on using plain common sense to save ourselves from HPV. General risk factors, if avoided, will help in genital warts prevention. These include smoking, having multiple sexual partners, practicing unprotected sex and exposure to the other sexually transmitted infections. Weakened immune systems also pose a great risk and quickly invite infection. This underlines yet another benefit of having a healthy lifestyle. Stay healthy, practice safe sex and avoid unnecessary contact. By following these simple guidelines, genital warts prevention can become surprisingly easy. Warts do not have to slow you down one bit, treat them today so that you can feel better tomorrow.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Description Of Warts

Warts Appear as raised,rough-textured,grayish growths that will vary in different sizes from a pinhead to large masses. Warts are viral infections that will usually appear on the skin, but they can also appear on the genitals or in the rectum, urethra, your bladder, or even on your mouth. When you see a wart start showing on your skin,the virus usually will enter through a cut, crack, or a scratch and incubates a few months before erupting into a wart.

Most of these warts will go away on their own without any treatment however, warts that will appear on the genitals, around your fingernails, or on the palms or soles of your feet are particularly long-lasting and can be difficult to treat.In your children's case,warts will usually last a few months to a year, in adults, they commonly will last months to even years. Many people may never completely get rid of the warts and can be bothered by many recurrences throughout your life. The most common skin warts are the most prevalent type.

They may start to grow large and then generally erupt on your hands and fingers,though they may also show up anywhere on your skin. Warts that appear on the soles of your feet,that are called plantar warts,grow inward rather than outward. The common warts are mildly contagious and are often spread on the same person by picking, scratching, shaving, or biting your own nails.They also can be passed on to others through direct contact. Genital warts are often passed between sexual partners.

Before you call your doctor Duo-film,which is an over-the-counter plaster,can be fairly effective of getting rid of your warts. Make sure that you follow the directions on the package exactly how it tells you. The immune system also will fight wart viruses, so anything that you can do to stay healthy will help tremendously. In addition, the medicinal herb echinacea is an immune stimulant.

Studies have shown that when you take this orally, it will help fight the viral infections by stimulating the release of intereron,your body's own virus fighting chemical. Echinacea teas, pills, and tinctures which are most commonly known as alcohol preparations are available at health or food stores in your area.

When you do decide to call your doctor physicians will treat your warts most likely by freezing,("cryotherapy"), burning ("cauterization"), chemicals,and scalpel or laser surgery. Freezing surgery will leave a scar,but the freezing method to get rid of your warts actually causes the least amount of scarring.