Monday, February 23, 2009

Wart Removal

Wart Removal - Getting Rid Of Warts For Good

Aloe gel can be used due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Smoothing the gel over the warts is thought to help with removal of them. Astragalus can be taken in either capsule or tincture form and is more for strengthening the immune system to help keep warts at bay if you are inured to them.
Black walnut is a popular remedy for treatment of warts in the throat and entrance.

Bloodroot is found in either a tincture or paste and when applied topically is thought to irritate the skin tissue which since leads to removal of warts and skin tags. Comfrey is used to support removal of warts and can be found in either cream or infusion. There are also a quantity of essential oils which are thought to help with wart removal, a combination of oils has been put together into a preparation called 'warts no more' and can be purchased at the drug home cooking or pharmacy.

There are also various 'old fashioned' remedies that are homeopathic in nature and which can easily be combined to help get rid of warts. Apple cider vinegar is thought to useful when it comes to getting rid of warts. Soaking cotton wool in the vinegar and holding it now the wart with a band - aid is said to remove a wart within a week. Elderberry in liquid form has also been used as a cure for getting rid of warts. 700 mg of elderberry in water 3 times per life span for 6 to 8 weeks is said to shrivel the wart and make it drop off.

Dandelion milk taken from the broken stem or leaf of the common dandelion and spread over the wart then cover with a band - aid and within a week the wart will drop off. Garlic juice applied to the wart twice a day will help the wart to shrivel and fall off in roughly two weeks. When using any homeopathic remedies care should be taken to get the dosage correct if you do wish to undertake a home remedy or herbal remedy; hence, it might be worthwhile seeking the advice of your doctor beforehand.

Warts can occur on the fingers, hands, feet, around the mouth and of course on the genitals and can appear as single bumps or in clusters which resemble a cauliflower. The wart is a virus known since the Human papilloma virus of which there are over 100 different types.

Finding a treatment that works is what is so important for everyone. Studying the different types of warts is important if you want to make sure that you get rid of them ugly things once and for all. Once you begin seeing them disappear you are going to know quickly that you chose the best type of treatment for your warts.

Treating warts is not that difficult but doing it in time is also important. If you are unsure of which type of wart you have then make sure that you do some research about the different types of warts so that you can better understand them.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What are Warts

What are Warts - Warts Can Be Aggravating, Learn More Now

Indeed the warts, moles, skin tags etc. can be unsightly. They might not be painful so much physically but they do generate emotional pain. The ugliness that is most often associated with warts and also at times with moles is detestable particularly from the cosmetic point of view. No wonder why so many people desperately seek worthy treatment measures for removal of the skin lesions. Any treatment course for moles and warts need ideally start with checking the right causative factor. The warts viruses cause the skin lesions.

These are responsible for producing the bumps on various parts of the body including the soles at times. The warts formed display a granular nature. Medications aimed at controlling the infection ought to be administered in consultation with specialists/physicians. Being a viral disease the warts are contagious too. So, it is also important to check the infection before it spreads to other persons who are susceptible.

Deficiency of potassium in the system can also be the cause of wart formation. In such case potassium rich foods like meat, fish, milk and vegetables should be taken in aplenty in diet. Mineral (potassium) rich nutritional supplements/pills may also be taken in on a regular basis. The surgical measures are usually considered if the medicines, creams, lotions etc. applied for treating warts fail. This is also considered if the skin lesion formed is showing signs of becoming cancerous. For example, a mole may have changed shape and color.

The surgical procedures enable removal of warts more precisely. They also help take on larger lesions. Surgical procedures commonly followed in cases of lesions are generally pretty quick and simple. Not even an overnight stay is required. You need to be careful too. It can be that a margin of the skin around the lesion may need to be removed while removing the warts thus creating the risk of leaving a bigger wound that is more conspicuous than the original wound. A treatment measure commonly followed is freezing of the lesion with liquid gas.

The wart area may also be treated with salicylic acid and other chemicals that are 'painted' on the area. This is later washed off and the affected area is dried and perhaps covered with some protective strip. You may be suggested to check your smoking and dietary habits for fostering better wound healing and reducing chances of infection. It is local anesthesia that is applied for wart treatment and soon after the operation this loses effect and pain can be felt. So, pain killers are prescribed.

You need to be careful too. It can be that a margin of the skin around the lesion may need to be removed while removing the warts thus creating the risk of leaving a bigger wound that is more conspicuous than the original wound. Warts are pretty ugly little fellows but there is no need in you feeling ashamed, you can do something to get rid of them if you really want.